Monday, May 17, 2010

Musing Mondays: Books & Movies...

Musing Mondays2Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about movies based on books…
What happens when you see a movie based on a book/story, especially one you’ve not read? Do you feel the need to track it down and read it?

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In a word yes. Although I almost always try to read books before watching the movie. Generally, the books are better (although there are exceptions like Forrest Gump the movie is way better than the book) and I don't like the movie to color my perspective of what I think characters look like or who they are. There have been a few instances though when I haven't known a movie had a book counterpart until watching the movie and seeing, "based on the novel by ______" in those cases I pretty much always go and find the book, especially if I really liked the movie. 


  1. If I liked it, I must know more! :)


  2. it's funny. so many people answering this seem to agree with you and want to read the book first because they think the book is better.

    I will read a book based on a movie I liked, but seeing a movie based on a book I loved is, in my opinion, asking to often be disappointed. So see the movie first, take the best of it, and then fill it out with the book.

  3. I loved Forest Gump but did not feel the need to read the book (usually I do check out the books).
